Lazada Philippines

Husband Captures Every Moment Of His Wife's Pregnancy On Camera

Husband Captures Every Moment Of His Wife's Pregnancy On Camera

Lazada Philippines

This video is actually a short documentary of what really transpired in the nine months that these expectant parents patiently waited for, the birth of their first child.

Sean Klitzner documents every important detail in his wife Noelle’s pregnancy, from the pregnancy test up to their child’s birth. The couple is so excited because it’s their first baby. Who won’t be? Every expectant parent ought to be excited, right?

Sean films every significant moment on cam. He makes sure that he’s got everything captured every step of the way. It seems like they celebrate whenever another month of the pregnancy comes by.

After some time, the couple visits their doctor for an ultrasound to find out the gender of their baby and it turns out to be a baby girl. They kept the gender of their baby a secret for a while and then reveal it to their families through the color of the cake filling they ordered to make it a real suspense.

Lazada Philippines 

He takes photos of his wife’s progression as to the size of her tummy quite often until such time that it begins to bulge like she’s nearing the end of her gestation period. And then the most beautiful moment they have all been waiting for arrives. Sure enough, Noelle comes into labor and delivers a healthy baby girl which they named Brooklyn Violet.

That moment was very ecstatic for the couple and their families, that finally, a new member of the family has come. All the nine months of patiently waiting surely paid off. This is the beginning of a real adventure for them, being parents for the first time.

It’s always fun to have kids around especially if they’re your own. It gives you joy and happiness that money can’t buy. 

Lazada Philippines

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